04 Jun Why is social media marketing important for Business?
Be it a big brand or a start-up, social media has been a great platform for everyone. It connects the audience to the brand just by a few clicks. Just add a brand name on the Instagram search bar and check their page out. I mean who would have thought it would become so easy and accessible, right?
These days to place an order, you don’t even need to go to the company’s website. All you need to do is to send a DM to the brand’s Instagram or Facebook page and your order gets placed!
However, like every coin has two sides, so does social media. It can be great for some brands and it can work against some brands. For example, if some people don’t like a certain product, then they can report the brand’s page or write bad comments.
In today’s world, people don’t have too much patience and even a minor inconvenience caused by a brand can be a huge problem for people. Some customers even tend to write fake bad reviews to receive a discount or some money from the brand for damage control.
One thing that has helped brands majorly to grow is consistency. If you are consistent with your posts, reels and videos, then the audience will keep watching them and have a better recall.
People can easily get bored so it is important to keep creating strategies that will push the brand by creating entertaining posts and having informative data written in the caption.
Here’s a blog for you that will help you to understand how social media and the proper way of digital marketing can be a game-changer for your brand in not just one but many ways!
New Updates
Social media is constantly evolving and developing new updates for a better user experience. Instagram and Facebook employees are constantly working each day to make it better for businesses, brands and people. Earlier, we hadn’t even heard about something like reels and now we can’t imagine our lives without them, can we? Also, reels have now increased their time and now people can make up to 90 second reels. There are new updates daily and it gets better than before, every time.
Social Media Pages
Earlier, checking the social media page of a brand was an alien term for us. However, now it is like if the brand is not on social media, then it does not seem to exist. Digital marketing industry is quite lucrative. Every other person seems to show that he has become an expert in this field. Although, it takes years of experience and trial and error method to understand what might work for one brand, might not be equally beneficial for another brand.
Reels have been stealing a lot of attention lately. From college students who are teenagers to grandmoms, everyone has learnt the art of scrolling through the reels. And let’s not lie, some of them are way too entertaining. From ‘Kacha Baadam’ to ‘As It was’ these reels have not only been trending, but have also been used by the brands to show their products or services. For example, one such brand used the ‘As It was’ music to showcase how far they have come and how they started the brand. A transition of before and after was shown to make it entertaining and valuable.
New Trends
Every new month there’s a new trend that comes up – We don’t know who makes which song goes viral, but the most viewed videos or reels tend to show up on the explore page and that’s when you know that the reel has gone viral. It takes doing something unique or out of the box to create something amazing. At The Latest Buzz, we are a team of experts who know what will work the best for your brand. Accordingly, we analyze, study, conduct research and curate digital marketing campaigns for our clients. We have been known as one of the best Influencer marketing agencies in India.
From how you communicate about your brand to ways to advertise your brand better, we have got your back! Social media advertising plays a vital role in making brands achieve their goals. Your brand should say a story that will interest the audience and give them information about the brand as well. Lately, people have been following the 3-grid layouts and telling a story through it. Brands also use lines like ‘stay tuned’ or ‘follow for more’ to create curiosity among the customers. Giveaways has been the new way
Social Media Ads
Facebook and Instagram ads have brought an incredible change in the digital marketing space. The AI can directly target the audience by asking you to select the age group of people whom you want to see these specific ads and at the time at which you want to promote your page. Accordingly, you will need to pay a certain amount of money to run ads and the ads will show a “sponsored ads” banner on the post or the stories. However, this feature has been a game-changer for many brands as it has got them more followers, likes and comments on their page.
No matter how much we deny, we all want the best things for ourselves at an affordable price. And so, we compare the prices of our favourite brand with a brand that is similar. Technology has been developing new features so that it is easier for the brands to communicate their key message to people. Customers can easily compare their go-to brands online and choose for the one that they like more.
At Latest Buzz, we will help you meet your digital marketing goals. We have been popular for influencer marketing and have been known as one of the best influencer marketing agencies in India.
From knowing the latest trends to executing them, we plan it all for our clients. Our vision is to build trust and long-term relations with our client.
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