Creator Network
Content Views
Brand Campaigns

Power Content + Targeted
Influencers = Viral Campaign

Influencer Marketing & Celebrity Endorsements

OTT integrations

Online & Offline Events

Digital Marketing & Social Media Management

Product Launches & Placements

Songs & Movie Promotions

Tailor made Campaigns as per your need

Strategy , Ideation & Implementation

Deep Insights

Traceable Metrics

Hassle Free

How do The Latest Buzz help in Influencer Marketing
  • Research
  • Ideation
  • Strategy
  • Curation
  • Direction
  • Optimization
  • Insights
What is Influencer Powered Branding
  • Visual content
  • Podcasts
  • AR Filters
  • Blogs & Articles
  • Jingles
  • Brand Evangelists Program
How do you do content amplification
  • Community Marketing
  • Mass outreach
  • Viral campaign design
  • UGC creation
  • Word of mouth boost
  • Moment Marketing
Why should you consider word of mouth marketing
  • Cost effective
  • Better engagement
  • Credibility
  • Advocacy
  • Reliability

Been a Pleasure working with TLB for offline and online campaigns. One of the best experiences of working with an agency by far

Deena Pinto- Fashion & Beauty

So much easier and fun to work with the TLB team , they have been huge support and cheer leaders for me in my campaign journey

Namrata Pathania

One of the best agencies to work with in the Influencer marketing domain which serves for both online and offline events . From briefs to seamless executions everything was in place

Pooja Raina Digital creator

It was super fun working with the TLB team. They made the process so easy and short the campaigns were executed without any to and fro , from payments to briefs to content pieces everything was taken care of by the amazing team.

Palak Purswani Actor

The recognition of our apt TG and market within no time to improve the effectiveness of the campaign is one the factors that the team has aced. Incredibly high spirited team working to provide the best customer experience. Glad we are associated with them

Brand Manager - DermaCO

Thanks to TLB that we have been running our Influencers campaign for Burger King seamlessly for past 1year, they have easily handled all our needs from influencers to scripting to implementation. Kudos to the team and smooth experience

Marketing Manager - BurgerKing

Praise worthy folks and agency as TLB has carefully crafted the influencer led campaigns to make sure that the outputs are satisfactory and result driven. Always looking forward to working with them

California Boards of Almonds

The influencers provided by TLB have through understanding of our products and are matching to our TG increasing the brand awareness and credibility, providing great engagement rates and targeting directly our consumers centric content.

Brand Manager - NYKAA
What is Influencer Marketing and its benefits

Influencer marketing is a form of marketing in which brands market their products (services) by collaborating with social media influencers to inspire the buying decision of their followers. We, at The Latest Buzz, choose influencers according to their niche and category so that the subscribers / followers of the influencer have similar interests with respect to the brands target audience. Top influencer marketing companies like us help in creating the unique content and comprehensive strategy for better sales.

Influencer marketing helps brand reach a highly targeted audience, which benefits brands in a number of ways such as- • More leads • Better conversion rate • Better online brand presence • Relevant website traffic • Brand association leverage.

Is Influencer Marketing effective

Influencer marketing is more effective than traditional advertisements starring celebrities as in case of celebrities, potential customers do not have any trust-based relation. On the other hand, social media influencers have much more intimate bonds with their followers and their opinions are valued.

How Influencer Marketing Is Different from Digital Marketing

While in both, influencer marketing and digital marketing, the product (service) is marketed to the target audience through the digital / online world, however the approaches used are very different from each other. Influencer marketing utilises the brand association leverage strategy i.e. the trust of the social media influencer between him/her and his/her followers. However in the case of digital marketing, organic (SEO, SMO) and inorganic (SEM, PPC) methods are used to reach the target audience.

Who are social media influencers

A social media influencer is an individual who has created an authority for themselves through their hard work and expertise in a certain niche. People follow these leaders of a particular niche on any of the social media platforms because they value their opinions. Influencers have the ability to inspire the buying decision of their followers trustfully because of their expertise and authority in the subject.

How can brands connect with Social media influencers

Brands can contact us as we are their authorised partners, we have tie ups with over 50,000 top social media influencers from India as well as abroad across all major social media platforms and pertaining to various niches. Contact The Latest Buzz today to execute your influencer marketing campaign and skyrocket your business today!

What platforms do Influencer use

Influencers use social media platforms. Instagram and Youtube are the go-to platforms for most influencers. Some influencers are more active on Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter because their audience is active there. Snapchat is also another social media platform used by some influencers.